What is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is an individually prescribed program of activities that aim to correct or improve specific visual dysfunctions. It is a clinical approach to the treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye), eye movement and tracking disorders, strabismus (eye turn), focusing difficulties, reduced depth perception, and visual-perceptual disorders, among others. Along with the use of lenses, prisms, filters, and tints, vision therapy provides patients the opportunity to fundamental visual abilities so that these learned skills can be applied to perform relevant tasks with greater comfort and efficiency.


Who does Vision Therapy benefit?

Even if your vision is 20/20, you can experience visual symptoms that impede with your academic or work performance. In fact, there are 17 different visual skills that are needed to read and learn effectively. Vision therapy is a non-invasive treatment program for children and adults who experience vision concerns that is not fully addressed with glasses. It is an effective treatment approach in:

  • amblyopia (lazy eye)

  • strabismus (eye turn)

  • poor eye tracking (losing place with reading)

  • poor eye focusing (fluctuating vision)

  • poor eye teaming

  • post concussion or brain injury

  • poor visual motor skills (handwriting)

  • poor visual processing skills


How do I start Vision Therapy?

The first step in the process is to undergo a visual skills assessment to detect any inefficiencies in your visual system. Please note this does not replace your routine OHIP covered eye exam. Following this, Dr. Yew will plan a vision therapy curriculum catered to your visual needs. One-on-one 50-minute vision therapy sessions will take place on a weekly basis, with progress evaluations taking place periodically. Your performance will be monitored closely so that exercises are made more difficult to encourage further improvement with time.


What our patients are saying about Vision Therapy:


Additional Resources for Vision Therapy